Local Living Streets Group
Sheffield SW
We are a local campaign group based in Sheffield SW, run by volunteers. We align with the national Living Streets organisation.
Our objective is for safe and equitable walking and wheeling for all in Sheffield.
How can you help?
Do you want change on Sheffield streets for walking and wheeling? There are many things you can do, even if you don't have much time:
Add your voice: simply join our mailing list sheffieldsouthwest@livingstreets.org.uk or follow us on X (twitter) @SheffieldSW_LS to demonstrate that there is local demand for change.
Share your story: tell us what needs to change in your area or tell us about a near-miss or collision. Get in touch by email or over X (twitter). We can meet you in person, or send you a form for you to share your story.
Come and complain - come to our meetings, use our 5 minute slots to complain about something you want changed, and maybe we'll start a new campaign. Or just come to our meetings, we'd love to meet you.
Engage with local decision makers by writing to them, organising a meeting or a walk with them. See this page for more information.
Learn to build a compelling case for change. See our evidence page.
Use your artistic skills to build new imaginaries for change.
Organise or join us with some tactical urbanism to demonstrate change.